Bayo Alvaro
Curated by Elen Hallégouët
Jardin Denfert, Paris. 2020

Invited by Elen Hallégouët to a three cycle exhibition she was commissioned by Jardin Denfert - Paris, Bayo Alvaro produced a series of process based sculptures on site. This series of sculptures are a result of interventions between the artist body on materials and objects often linked to extremities.
We found ourselves dwelling with finger like soft and effusive bodies that struggle between tension and release. Gesture is isolated through out the show. Be it in photographs that register process based sculpture or painting a neon light smearing oil based paint using only two fingers, to forcing materials into configurations of contention and interdependence where objects turn into everyday mythological entities.
In a form of metonymy, Bayo Alvaro plays with questions of representation through referential allusions to sensorial experiences. His approach to sculpture underlays a symbolic reconfiguration of dynamics of domination, sensitivity and negotiation. Alvaro's way of manipulating objects result from an ongoing process of self-reflection where personal narratives become universal.